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[日期:2022-05-05]         阅读:82






  1. 中国籍:



  1. 非中国籍:



  1. 温肯在职员工:





  1. 应聘者须于2022年8月16日前取得相应的学历学位证书;毕业于国(境)外高校的,还须取得国外学位和教育部留学服务中心出具的学历学位认证书。

  2. 工作年限计算时间截止到2022年5月15日。在报名系统填写最近一段在职工作经历时,结束时间选择2022年5月15日。

  3. 应聘者所学专业名称与招聘岗位要求不一致,但所学方向相同相近的,由我校参考高校学科、专业设置目录自主认定是否符合要求。

  4. 若岗位必备条件中对特定语言、职称、能力、经历、培训等有一定的要求,应聘者在报名时应当如实、详细、明确地填写。

  5. 全日制学习期间所有的工作、实习、兼职、项目管理等经验均不算作工作经验。

  6. 资格初审和资格复审。1)资格初审将在报名截止后根据岗位要求统一进行线上审核。2)资格复审时间将会通过邮件另行通知,应聘者须在指定时间接受资格复审。资格复审时,出现以下任一情况均视为应聘者自动放弃应聘资格:a. 无法提供要求的所有材料;b. 提供的材料中显示与报考资格条件不相符;c. 未在规定时间内完成资格复审。

  7. 应聘者在报名时提交的中英文信息和在资格审查中提交的材料应当一致、真实、准确、有效。凡提供虚假、不实信息和材料获取报考及聘用资格或有意隐瞒本人真实情况的,一经查实,立即取消报考资格或聘用资格。应聘者须对本人所提交的错误信息造成的后果负责。


  1. 本次招聘根据不同岗位情况制定相应的考核计划,不指定任何考核范围、考试复习用书。本次招聘不设最低开考比例。应聘者缺席任一考核环节将被视为自动放弃应聘资格。

  2. 具体考试安排会以邮件的形式通知,请务必确保报名时填写的邮件地址准确无误,并查看垃圾邮件。

  3. 体检参照公务员体检标准执行。






Wenzhou-Kean University is a Chinese-American jointly established higher education institution with Independent legal person status and limited liabilities. We adopt advanced ideology and administration system for faculty and staff management from those prestigious American higher education institutions with sophisticated appointment system, and attract and recruit highly talented professionals in compliance with world-class standards. Welcome to join us!

Part1 Recruitment Positions and Qualifications

Hiring positions please refer to down below.

Part2 Application

  1. Chinese:

(1)Apply HERE(open by website)


  1. Non-Chinese:

Please send your Cover Letter, CV, three recommendation letters to hiring@wku.edu.cn, Title:Department+position+name.
Those Chinese who apply by sending resume to 
hiring@wku.edu.cn is unvalued.

  1. WKU Staff:

If WKU staff who have been working in WKU over 1 year would like to transfer the position, please fill the POSITION-TRANSFER Application Form (Download Here), and submit to Human Resources Office after approved by head of your current department and leadership. WKU staff do not need to attend the general written test but need to attend other assessments with the external applicants.

Part3 Application Time

Starting from 6th May, 2022 to 15th May, 2022.

Part 4 Qualification Review

  1. All applicants shall obtain the degree before 16th August, 2022; overseas graduates shall be required to obtain the diploma and its authentication before 16th August, 2022.

  2. The deadline of the calculation of working years is 15th May, 2022. If you are on the job, please be aware that the last day of the current working experience should be 15th May, 2022 when filling in the application system.

  3. If the name of the applicant’s major is inconsistent with the requirements of the recruitment position, but the field of study is the same or similar, the University will independently determine whether it meets the requirements with reference to the catalog of disciplines and majors in colleges and universities.

  4. If the position requires certain qualification such as language, professional title, ability, experience, training program etc., applicants should provide the information truthfully, in detail and clearly when filling the application.

  5. All work, such as part-time jobs, program management experiences, internships and so on happens during full-time study are not considered as working experiences.

  6. Qualification review. 1) Preliminary qualification will be conducted online according to the requirements of the position after the application deadline. 2) Second-round qualification review will be noticed separately by emails. Applicants who meet any conditions listed will be deems to give up the application automatically: a. Provide incomplete documents; b. Provide documents that did not meet the qualification requirement for the position; c. Fail to participate in the qualification review on time.

  7. Please be aware that all the application information in Chinese and English and materials shall guarantee their consistency, reality, accuracy and validity. Disqualification shall be given to those who have been verified to provide false information, cheating or concealing. Applicants should be responsible for the consequences caused by any wrong information submitted by applicants.

Part 5 Recruitment Evaluation and Physical Exam

  1. Corresponding recruitment evaluation schemes will be drew up since different positions have their features. There are not any textbooks or examination ranges can be specified. This recruitment does not set the minimum exam-opening ratio. Absence of any part of recruitment assessment shall be deemed to have automatically given up their qualifications.

  2. Detailed information of recruitment assessment will be announced separately by email. Please ensure you provide e-mail address correctly and timely check the spam folder.

  3. The physical exam standard is in accordance with civil servants.

Part 6. Others

The recruited personnel must report on duty within the specified time; otherwise, the University does not retain the employment qualifications.

If you have any questions, please send e-mail to hiring@wku.edu.cn

岗位一览表WKU Recruitment Position



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